Urban Farming Philippines

Self sustainable is the new trend especially after any pandemic like Covid19. We need to be able to grow our own vegetables to be more self sustainable.

Advantages of growing your own produce

  • Fresh vegetables anytime you need it
  • No need to go out often to buy vegetables
  • Save money
  • Boost mood and creativity
  • Clean indoor air by absorbing toxic substances
  • Bring back the nature to our own home

Vertigrow have products that can start your urban farming to the next level.

Vertical Planters

Space is normally the issue when starting your own farm. With our vertical planters you can utilize your walls to start planting.

MP Trays

Traditional circular pots uses a lot of space and makes a lot of stains to your flooring. MP Trays are designed so that it retains water and direct all excess water to the drain.

Grow lights

Plants need sunlight to grow, however in some cases, this is not availalble. By using grow lights, this will compensate the light spectrum for the plants

Frequently asked questions

  • I do not have space on my house to plant greens.
  • You can plant it vertically on your walls.
  • I live in a condo and there is no sunlight to grow the vegetables
  • You can use our growlights to grow your vegetables
  • Can I regrow vegetables from existing vegetables
  • Yes you can regrow plants from existing vegetables. Vegetables like green onions, alugbati, basil, onions, garlic, ginger, and carrots are some examples.