What We Do

We are committed to help clean our environment and help provide sustainable food by Urban Farming. Our R&D team learns and try different approaches in order to help our customers succeed. Our system will not be successful unless our customers' system are successful. Below are the other services we provide:

Pots Customization

We can make specific colors for your needs.

Logo to Plants

We have invested on technology to convert your logo/design to layout plants. We want to help you succeed with your Vertical Garden and make it as easy as possible.

Professional Installation

We can provide professional services on installing Vertigrow system and drip irrigation. Our team have attended several seminars locally and abroad to make sure what we are doing is up to par with the current standard.

Services Included:

  • Custom Framing or Free Standing Greenwalls
  • Install wall framing
  • Install green roof
  • Install Arificifial Plants / Turf
  • Install Rainwater harvesting
  • Install Geocell
  • Greenwall/ Vertical garden maintenance
  • Greenroof / Living wall maintenance
  • Automatic / Manual Drip Irrigation
  • Garden Automation